Tourism and hotels

A combination of seminar basic knowledge of youth hostel and the reception management system is essential for the survival of accommodation possibilities in Celje as well as additional content managed by MCC Hostel. At this seminar, you will learn how the implementation of the stories from town to the room and vice versa was held, how to prepare for taking tours in the city, how to collect information, how tourism products are being upgraded and how to prepare for the issuance of a guide for foreigners.


At this seminar you will visit MCC Hostel, which is located in Celje. You will learn how to establish a youth hostel, how the tender for disbursement of funds, how to place stories in the hostel. In addition, you will learn about the ecological aspect of the hostel, the support that may hostel offer for youth activities and the importance of networking at local and international level.


In combination with the seminar 4 you can learn about the world of reception - just how it operates, how it is set up, how to run a bookings on the various portals, how to manage correspondence with the guests how to co-ordinate features and keep monetary operations.

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Seminer listesi

Seminer Firma Uzunluk
MCC Hostel and its establishment MCC Hostel 4 h
Booking systems, reception and management MCC Hostel 4 h
Upgrading of tourist products MCC Hostel 4 h

Mevcut planlanan baskýlar

Baský Den E Saðlayýcý Kayýt için son tarih
Planlanmýþ baský yok

Yapýlan baskýlar

Baský Den E Saðlayýcý Katýlýmcý Dönüt
ED0239 Mayıs 11 2015 Mayıs 11 2015 Celjski mladiski center 0 -
ED0236 Nisan 13 2015 Nisan 13 2015 Celjski mladiski center 0 -
ED0235 Nisan 02 2015 Nisan 02 2015 Celjski mladiski center 0 -
ED0233 Mart 03 2015 Mart 03 2015 Celjski mladiski center 0 -
ED0232 Şubat 26 2015 Şubat 26 2015 Celjski mladiski center 0 -