ICT for Business, Leisure & Commodity

ICT is constantly evolving on daily basis and its use is continually expanding and entering new fields.  Software backup systems, cloud storage, and apps are changing our lives and the way we work.  This circuit provides a set of thematic seminars for the discovery of companies active in new technologies and that are developing state-of-the art products and services for different markets.




The circuit involves visits to:

  • Altaro Ltd and Scope Solutions - 2 companies that are both found in Malta’s Digital Hub at the Malta LifeSciences Park. 

          Altaro Ltd develop backup solutions for commercial clients whereas Scope Solutions              specialise in cloud based solutions also for commercial clients.


  • Mighty Box Ltd located at the University Business Incubator Centre – TAKEOFF – develops digital games for leisure and has now also diversified into developing board games. Trilith Entertainment Ltd is also involved in developing digital games for leisure.  FlatNumber Ltd also based at TAKEOFF is a start-up that is developing an online tool to help organise home associations in the case of a group of people living in a block of apartments.


This circuit could be customised accordingly to include other visits to related ICT businesses, business parks and centres via the Malta G&L Agency. 


Maksymalna liczba uczestników grupy: -
Koszt: -

Wykaz seminariów

Seminarium Firma Czas trwania
Designing Successful Concepts Trilith Entertainment Ltd 1 h
Scope Solutions Scope Solutions 1 h
Business Diversification - the good, the bad and the ugly Mighty Box Ltd 1 h
The reality of becoming an entrepreneur and starting with an idea but without financing FlatNumber Ltd 1 h
Inner workings of an up-and-coming software company Altaro Ltd 2 h

Aktualnie planowane wydarzenia

Wydarzenie od do Organizatorów szkoleń Data upływu zapisów
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Wydarzenie od do Organizatorów szkoleń Uczestnicy Opinie i uwagi
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