Growth in Flanders, Brussels and the Netherlands

During these visits you will not only get the chance to enjoy nature's beauty, you will also get a good look on the industry that lies behind growing plants and food.



Sylva - Van Hulle: THE Belgian producer of forest and hedging plants - and an award winning company - welcomes you at their tree nursery. The production at SYLVA reaches about 20 million forest plants a year. About 80% of the turn over is allocated to all the European countries and some countries beyond Europe! Tim Van Hulle - 7th generation "Van Hulle" and a dedicated entrepreneur - will tell you more on what it takes to run such a blooming business.


Information and education center for glasshouse technology: At Smitschorrepolder, nearby Terneuzen (Netherlands), you can find several greenhouses.
In those greenhouses there are a pepper grower, an eggplant grower and a tomato grower busy working on their crops.


Besides these greenhouses there is an Information and training center for the greenhouse industry. At this center you can literally experience the greenhouses and future employees are trained there for functions such as crop employee and/or packer/sorter. 
Do you want to have a taste of fresh grown tomatoes and greenhouses industry in the Netherlands? Come to Terneuzen!

Maximális létszám: 10
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Szemináriumok listája

Szeminárium Cég Idõtartam
Glasshouse technology and VET in the Netherlands Information and education center for glasshouse technology 3 óra
Sylva-Van Hulle - Growing trees and hedging for a greener Europe Sylva-Van Hulle 2 óra

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