Digital technologies and Innovation in Friuli Venezia Giulia

ICT, new technologies and research in Friuli Venezia Giulia region are very relevant economic sectors. In Friuli Venezia Giulia there are 3.137 companies specialized in Ict. In the Italian ranking the Region places itself  at the 4th place in the R&S costs and PIL ratio.

The sector can count on entities that ensure the development of research&innovation:

  • Advanced services:
    • Area Science Park
    • Friuli Innovazione
    • Agemont
    • Ditedi Cluster
  • Two Universities:
  • University of Udine
  • University of Trieste


This circuit provides a set of thematic seminars for the discovery of companies active in new technologies and the ICT branch, to develop state of the art products in various sectors. The companies involved are located in Udine, where in February 2009 has been established Friuli Venezia Giulia District of Digital Technologies (Dtedi) with the objective of increasing the competitiveness and the degree of innovation of the companies, and promote an integrated system of relations and knowledge that exceeds the local geographical limit.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is becoming one of the most important compartments of the regional economy for:

  • Number of companies and active localizations: is one of the compartments in which the majority of companies are founded, qualifying the part of the local economy which is called “Business support services”
  • Manpower qualification
  • Contribution to the creation of a new macro economic wealth (HDI – Human Development Index)


Through the visits and seminars the participant can have a comprehensive overview of the sector and of the contamination of different economic areas in terms of production and services. The circuit allows the interested visiting groups to choose between a wide range  of companies developing and applying ICT solutions to be used in different fields.


The circuit can last from 3 to 5 days. The following companies open their doors and give an overview of their activity highlighting the most relevant and worthy aspects:

ARTESUONO (  is recording studio specialized in acoustic music recordings with digital technologies

BO.DI  ( aims to deliver an easy-to-use yet professional interface to any company, in order Internet Access and E-Commerce to become easy tasks for everyone


CALZAVARA (  is a system integrator in the telecommunication field, with traditional and innovative services and products for networks relative to fixed, wireless, cellular and broadcasting, TV, radio, surveillance radar and the broadband market in general.


COGITO (  is  specialized in consulting and developing customized information systems. As SystemIntegrator, the company works closely with its customers during the whole project, from the initial analysis of the customer’s needs, through the actual software development, the user interface, usability tests.

ELETTRA SINCROTRONE ( is a multidisciplinary international laboratory of excellence, specialized in generating high quality synchrotron and free-electron laser light and applying it in materials science. Its mission is to promote cultural, social and economic growth.

EUROTECH’s mission ( is to integrate state-of-the-art computing and communication technologies into innovative solutions to improve Customers’ competitiveness and their ability to cope with the amazing evolution of digital technologies

FRIULI INNOVAZIONE ( is a technological park located in Udine whose mission is  to foster collaboration between researchers and business and industrial use of scientific and technological results produced by research

TECNEST ( specialized in Supply Chain and Operations Management solutions.  Thanks to our over-25-year experience in SCM projects and solutions, we developed a very practical and concrete approach to solve the main issues manufacturing companies have to face in the Production and Operations Management field.

The thematic seminars can be linked with other tourist-cultural discovery programs of the territory on the base of the lenght of the visit. Guided visits to the cities of Udine and Trieste can be organized.


Maximum aantal deelnemers per groep: -
Prijs: -

Lijst met seminaries

Seminarie Bedrijf duur tijd
Computing and communication technologies innovative solutions Eurotech 2 uur
ICT for complex environments: the portal for the Civil Protection of FVG and the internet ecosystem for Evolution Travel online tour operator Cogito S.r.l. 3 uur
Manufacturing and Supply Chain management System: main features and logistics benefits for manufacturing companies Tecnest 2 uur
Mobile phone network cells infrastructure Calzavara 4 uur
Professional audio recording in the digital domain for acoustic music Artesuono 2 uur
Satellite images, Drones & SOCIAL GIS - instruments for Environmental Monitoring and Food Security Dermap 2 uur
Tourism ICT Innovation Bo.Di 2 uur
Visit to the Science and Technology Park of Udine Friuli Innovazione 3 uur

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