From design to product process

Starting from the production of components for sectional doors, today GO srl  offers to customers a quality end product, manufacturing and installing sectional doors. Through constantly delivering design and functionality improvements, we have been able to grow and increase in our marketing position. Everything is done in a systematically careful, measured and scrupulous manner. So that every decision made is really the most effective. Each product is the result of engineering innovation, that  meets the best performance with higher aesthetic appeal. Our product is controlled in each phase and our staff undergoes extensive training in all aspect of our product including installation procedure and maintenance both for industrial and residential doors, in order to ensure the highest level of customer service.
GO LOWER the pass door with lowered threshold and doors with aluminum windowed sections GO-VISION  are an example of the innovative state of the art of our products.

A szeminárium típusa: Felfedezõ látogatás
Képzõ cég: GO S.r.l.
Katalógus: EU Circuits FVG REGION
Elõadó: Tiziano Dal Canton
Idõtartam: 2 óra