Life and business unusual











Brennesselhof is a small family-run business above Eigeltingen in the beautiful Hegau region. For more than 20 years sustainable organic milk products are produced.


In a visit participants will have a look at the production of the milk products and will get an insight on the entire farm. Immerse into a world where horses replace motorized machinery and animals provide the basis for healthy organic food. Quality of life that you should taste!

With yogurt and cottage cheese from Brennesselhof you do not only treat yourself with high pleasure that meets the highest organic standards, you also secure the survival of a small organic farm, which is a pioneer for sustainable, human-, animal- and environment-friendly agriculture.

A szeminárium típusa: Felfedezõ látogatás
Képzõ cég: Der Brennesselhof
Katalógus: EU Circuits LAKE CONSTANCE
Elõadó: Saskia Morlinghaus
Idõtartam: 2 óra