Being winemakers in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region

The seminar is structured in two parts.

The first part is focused on the dimensional and organizational characteristics, the type of products / services, the main activities of the company, and then a guided tour of the production facility and the bed&breakfast. (90 minutes)
The second part foresees the presentation of the marketing activities undertaken by the company, with specific reference to marketing strategies linked to local traditions and the respect of the environment. (90 minutes).

Rodzaj seminarium: Seminarium szkoleniowe
Firma szkoląca: Adriano Gigante S.s.a.
Katalog: Seminari in aziende del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Runda: -
Prowadzący: Adriano Gigante
Czas trwania: 3 h
Koszt: -

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