ICT for complex environments: the portal for the Civil Protection of FVG and the internet ecosystem for Evolution Travel online tour operator

The seminar is structured in two parts.

In the first part of the seminar the company will be introduced: after a brief history overview, the products and services will be presented, as well as the markets served.

In the second part, the company’s core activity (software development) will be discusses in greater detail. In this part the standard workflow for the realization of a complex information system will be described. A particular emphasis will be put on the skills and competencies required for elaborating functional and customized solutions for special needings (i.e. the management of huge amount of different data, clustered depending on permission access level of the user). An open source point of view will be provided. Two case histories will be presented, in order to support the topic.

A szeminárium típusa: Tematikus szeminárium
Képzõ cég: Cogito S.r.l.
Katalógus: Seminari in aziende del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Képzési egység: -
Elõadó: To be confirmed
Idõtartam: 3 óra
Részvételi díj: -

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