Expressing a territory through the wine

The visit will start from a high ground nearby the village of San Lorenzo, from which the panorama of Eastern Friuli extends from East to West, going trough again the path that the glaciers followed thousands of years ago when they descended from the Alps and shaped the profile of the valley. Eastwards there is the so called door of Bora, a real channel for prevailing Balkan winds which deeply influence our climate. Starting the visit from this place is the best way to describe a very special land and the commitment of the company in exalting its characteristics.

Then it is foreseen a visit to a vineyard, with presentations of viticulture and winemaking, and a visit to production facilities with the possibility to have a final tasting.

Seminer türü: Keþif ziyareti
Eðitim firmasý: Lis Neris
Katalog: Seminari in aziende del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Tur: -
Firma konuþmacýsý: Federica Pecorari
Uzunluk: 2 h
Maliyet: -

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