An unaware approach to lean manufacturing

The seminar is structured in two parts.


The first part of the seminar deals with the issues related to the organizational characteristics,  the type of products / services and the target markets of the company. Then the practical aspects of the Quality, Safety and Environment Management Systems are presented. This presentation is in preparation for the following visit to the departments of the company (about 90 minutes).


In the second part the principles of LEAN methodology and its main applications are thoroughly illustrated and discussed. It will be presented a successful case study of innovation and process optimization from the perspective of continuous improvement carried out by SCM ZANUSSI, which stands as a strategic supplier in the supply chain of the automotive industry. The case study illustrates the impact and changes imposed by a leader car manufacturer in the premium brand on the SCM ZANUSSI business process (about 90 minutes).


Main subjects presented during the seminar:

  • how the company took action by changing the combination of their own existing inputs in order to achieve waste reduction and greater efficiency
  • the potential consequences for the company on the market, as the result of the new  orientation imposed by the car manufacturer


The presentation of the case study will have an operational slant so to allow space for reflections on how the intervention matches the standards of LEAN rational.


The theoretical reflection lesson will be held at the Factory Model “LEAN EXPERIENCE FACTORY”, where the participants will have a better and deeper understanding of the best practices seen during the Circuit Go & LEAN.

A szeminárium típusa: Tematikus szeminárium
Képzõ cég: SCM Zanussi
Katalógus: Seminari in aziende del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Képzési egység: -
Elõadó: Marco Zanussi
Idõtartam: 4 óra
Részvételi díj: -

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