Being winemakers as a family vocation

In the wine world economic, territory and passion come together and only their perfect balance gives rise to a product that is always special because it is always different. In the case of Zorzettig family, now in its third generation of wine makers, we find a woman, Annalisa, who is leading her company with passion, expertise and economic logic. In the wine sector being a good manager is not enough to get a great bottle of wine, you need technical skills, tasting ability and bright ideas to customize your production, making it an expression of your vision of wine and your company. To achieve this, the communication channels implemented are varied because there are different target audiences to involve. Communicating a product like wine also means to convey emotions, so, unlike many other sectors, the value added is given by building solid relationships, not only commercial, but with all the actors who rotate within this fascinating world.

Rodzaj seminarium: Wizyta poznawcza
Katalog: Seminari in aziende del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Runda: -
Prowadzący: Lucia Fabris
Czas trwania: 2 h
Koszt: -

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