Consequent production of environmentally sustainable detergents and purifiers

SONETT is counted among the pioneers of environmentally sustainable detergents and purifiers. From its domicile in Deggenhausertal near the Lake of Constance goods are by now distributed in 43 countries. The company philosophy and its commitment to quality are based on the anthroposophical humanities.


During a tour of the company premises the participants get deepened insights into the company founded in 1977 and its products. They learn more about their production which is in compliance with the three SONETT quality levels. In this context, a matter of particular interest is for example the process of water rhythmization which is mostly unknown to the public. Subsequently a product sample enables a self-experiment at home.


During a tour it is also explained how companies can effectively cooperate with institutions for disabled adults. Moreover the promotion of art and culture will be addressed in this context.


After the tour of the manufacturing plants there will be an exchange about the usage of environmentally sustainable detergents and purifiers. Specific advice is given for the everyday use. During the discussion with experts the participants learn the differences between conventional and environmentally sustainable detergents using the example of different processes of washing.


Teachers can do further studies on sustainable production methods in a workshop spe-cially designed for them. The insights gained in the exchange between experts and teachers on the subject of “sustainability” can be incorporated as practice-oriented examples into the presentation in class.


A szeminárium típusa: Tematikus szeminárium
Képzõ cég: Sonett OHG
Katalógus: Go&Learnet CONSTANCE
Képzési egység: -
Elõadó: N.N.
Idõtartam: 2 óra
Részvételi díj: -

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