Taking on responsibility for mankind and environment by means of Fair trade


The nationwide operating trading cooperative society for Fair trade dwp eG domiciled in Ravensburg is one of the leading commercial enterprises for Fair trade in Germany. The longtime collaboration with worldwide 60 manufacturers in 30 countries, personal contacts and non-discriminatory prices lead to particularly unique and high quality products. The product line comprises much more than 1.000 craft and approximately 400 high quality food products which are almost exclusively goods of controlled organic quality, in many cases certified Naturland Fair products.


During a tour of the company premises you can get firsthand and multifaceted information about Fair trade covering the whole process from production to consumption. How does the production all over the world proceed? What aspects have to be considered during import and trade? Which criteria do fair food products have to meet? What can I consider during purchase? These and plenty of more questions are clarified during the tour. Interesting information and practical clues offer new incentives for individuals and companies.


After the guided tour there will be an exchange and a discussion between the participants and the company management. The issue will be broached under which conditions Fair trade is possible and in what way cooperative and fair commercial relationships can be formed. The visitors can deal with this topic during conversations and can experience which individual aspects are decisive in this context.


By participating in the tour of the company premises teachers get a substantiated insight into Fair trade covering the whole process from production to consumption. Thus they do not only get to know the production processes, but they also develop with fellow teachers practice-oriented and concrete examples for the practical presentation in class.

Rodzaj seminarium: Seminarium szkoleniowe
Katalog: Go&Learnet CONSTANCE
Runda: -
Prowadzący: Martin Lang/Thomas Hoyer
Czas trwania: 2 h
Koszt: -

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