Understanding food products & ingredient labels A basic course in Food & Technology

The course is a 3 day course, with every week a session of 2 hours.

On the first day we will give an overview of what food technology is about and what it takes to convert a homemade product into pre packed product seen in the supermarket. We will teach you what macronutrients are, what they do and how they behave in food.
In the second session we will go more deeply into the macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) and dissect, visualize and interpret the actual numbers on a food label. This understanding will be applied on known food products.

On the third day we will explain why the legislation requires certain information and how you can influence and work towards a certain label or nutritional value that gives the product a more likable appearance. This will be supported by practical examples.


More information found at: 




Rodzaj seminarium: Seminarium szkoleniowe
Firma szkoląca: ELTY Food Ltd
Katalog: GL+ MALTA
Runda: -
Prowadzący: Ms Jeanette Cameron
Czas trwania: 6 h
Koszt: 98,00 €

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