A satisfactorily very genuine team, made up of very special people.

The social integration of people with disabilities is a latent problem in the current context of Spanish society and, although in recent years progress has been made in the design of integration policies, much remains to be done to talk about "standardization". The number of people with some type of disability currently stands at 3.5 million, almost one tenth of the Spanish population.



The management of the company Santa Lucia has long assumed a very active development commitment regarding positive discrimination to favor the recruitment of people with disabilities. This experience allows you to divulge highly positive results on the human relations of the team, the results that individual level and team involves having special people, starting from that we are all special for one reason or another.


Among its activities for the promotion of social integration of people with disabilities is the sponsorship of the Spanish Paralympic team.



In the seminar you will buy this experience and you will have the opportunity to exchange impressions.

Type of seminar: Thematic seminar
Training company: SANTA LUCÍA
Catalogue: EU Circuits MADRID
Company speaker: Paloma Serrano
Lenght: 3 h