Maintenance services in organization applying lean production models

The seminar is structured in two parts.

The first part of the seminar deals with the issues related to the organizational characteristics, the type of products / services and the target markets of the company. Then the practical aspects of the Quality, Safety and Environment Management Systems are presented. This presentation is in preparation for the following visit to the departments of the company. (about 90 minutes)


In the second part the “lean reorganization” of maintenance services in a company are illustrated and discussed. (about 90 minutes)


The following subjects will be presented:

  • Management of company procedures and staff involvement in reducing waste and improving maintenance services.
  • Human resources development and TQM in Modulblock: company communication and identification, bottom-up strategies for continuous improvement.


The theoretical reflection lesson will be held at the Factory Model “LEAN EXPERIENCE FACTORY”, where the participants will have a better and deeper understanding of the best practices seen during the Circuit Go & LEAN.

A szeminárium típusa: Tematikus szeminárium
Képzõ cég: Modulblok
Katalógus: EU Circuits FVG REGION
Képzési egység: Lean Production in Friuli VG
Elõadó: Ing. Mario Di Nucci
Idõtartam: 4 óra