Cold pressing: solutions to reduce costs

The first part of the seminar deals with the issues related to the organizational characteristics, the type of products / services and the target markets of the company. Then the practical aspects of the Quality, Safety and Environment Management Systems are presented. This presentation is in preparation for the following visit to the departments of the company.


The second part of the seminar deals with the in-depth thematic analysis regarding cold pressing: plastic deformation of a metal (steel, copper, aluminum) at room temperature. This technology allows to increase productivity and improve the mechanical properties.


Main subjects presented during the seminar:

  • Technical know-how for the technical molding
  • The functionality of the press
  • Research & Development Laboratory
A szeminárium típusa: Tematikus szeminárium
Katalógus: EU Circuits FVG REGION
Elõadó: Gianfranco Marcandella, Luca Salamon
Idõtartam: 3 óra