Small business marketing

The description of the company, the history, the people and the products, we'll focus on a particoular wine: the Pinot Nero. The history of this wine in the Maison Masùt da Rive, the growth and the market strenght.

We'll describe the marketing and sales plans of the last years and we'll concentrate upon the following points:

  • The wine tourism: the history, the developing of the enotourism in Friuli Venezia Giulia and in our small reality;
  • The hospitality in the winery: the tour and the importance of a right tasting;
  • The communication in the wine business: what can a small company do with a limited budget? The importance of the social networks, the website and the newsletters.
  • The wine labels as corporate image.
A szeminárium típusa: Tematikus szeminárium
Képzõ cég: Masùt da Rive
Katalógus: EU Circuits FVG REGION
Elõadó: Fabrizio Gallo
Idõtartam: 3 óra