The evolution of the industrial automation in the precision mechanics: from automation to lean production

The first part of the seminar deals with the issues related to the organizational characteristics, the type of products / services and the target markets of the company.
Then the practical aspects of the Quality, Safety and Environment Management Systems are presented.


In the second part will be presented the following subjects:

  • A historical background of the development of mechanics: from mass production, to globalization and to lean production. Development of Tecnogroup and the creation of the start-up “LeanProduct srl”
  • The design process: features of the design tools used for production, sale and management
  • Current case studies
Art der Seminare und Betriebsbesichtigungen: Seminar (Thema)
durchführendes Unternehmen: Tecnogroup srl/LeanProducts srl
Katalog: Go&Learnet FVG
Unternehmensvertreter: Dott. Lia Correzzola, Ing. Alberto Valentinuzzi, Dott. Matteo Correzzola, Renzo Correzzola
Dauer: 2 Stunde(n)