Ensuring the safety of playground

Where is the boundary between the beneficial risks that must be present on the playgrounds as well as the risks to which we should pay attention? Why did we so far devote so little attention to the most vulnerable target group, despite the facts that all too often we hear different quotes, such as »Future is in our children hands« and »Children are our greatest asset«. As responsible adults we should behave likewise. Therefore, let's provide them a creative and safe playground, formal or informal games. All these questions will receive answers at the seminar.

Art der Seminare und Betriebsbesichtigungen: Seminar (Thema)
durchführendes Unternehmen: Zavod za Varno Igro
Katalog: Go&Learnet SAVINJSKA
Besuchszirkel: Safety of playgrounds
Unternehmensvertreter: Not yet defined
Dauer: 5 Stunde(n)