The importance of the vocational training at the companies

A visit to the company and a seminar about the training need analisys and internal training activities  with the director of the Fafurdancs  2000 Ltd. The company is 100 % Hungarian privately owned. In 1994 I started to work with small furniture like a self-employed and I did this job with self-made machines.

Art der Seminare und Betriebsbesichtigungen: Seminar (Thema)
durchführendes Unternehmen: Fafurdancs 2000 Ltd.
Katalog: Go&Learnet NYÍREGYHÁZA
Besuchszirkel: -
Unternehmensvertreter: Zsolt Gulyás
Dauer: 4 Stunde(n)
Kosten: 0,00 €

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ED0256 Mai 05 2015 - 10 -