Entrepreneurship in a new field: the prevention of occupational hazards

Day-to-day entrepreneurs face major challenges where their initiatives could be at risk if they do not have the skills to tackle them. That is why, entrepreneurs must know perfectly the challenges they face and the possible alternatives to overcome them. Only then will they go one step further in the path of consolidation and positioning of their initiatives.


But the situation is complicated when the area in which the business is to be developed is new and emerging.


The representative of the company PREVERLAB will explain the difficulties and barriers they had and have to face in order to maintain their activity, as well as the adaptations in their business

Art der Seminare und Betriebsbesichtigungen: Seminar (Thema)
durchführendes Unternehmen: PREVERLAB SPA
Katalog: GL+ MADRID
Unternehmensvertreter: Lorena Garcia Aleu
Dauer: 1 Stunde(n)