Deli Traiteur - food and service 24/7

Deli Traiteur

Offering instant, high quality meals is the key business of Deli Traiteur. More than 200 instant meals are available for customers in 35 shops around Belgium. Deli Traiteur provides a wide assortment of soups, meals, salads, breads, baked goods, artisanal ice, wines and champagnes. These products are provided with the quality label ‘Intelligent Nutrition’, a certificate for healthy food. High importance is attached to customer service. For that, the shops are open until 10 pm, every day, even on Sundays and holidays.


Scale of the company: < 50 employees
Visitors: students, young entrepreneurs, marketing and communication specialists



14:00    Arrival at DeliTraiteur
14:15    Presentation on (responsible) marketing in DeliTraiteur
15:00    Visit to the pilot shop
15:30    Interactive workshop on marketing and sustainability
16:30    Closing


Tipo di seminario: Seminario tematico
Azienda: Deli Traiteur
Catalogo: EU Circuits VOKA-HUB/KAHO
Relatore: to be confirmed
Durata: 3 h