Nunc Est Bibendum

Nunc Est  Bibendum is œnological event agency. Mr Turnell organize savoring classes ( 17  each month ) in Lyon and around. He, also leads different events linked to wine  ( wine parties, thematic savoring and meals according food and wine). The appreciations are addressed to people, companies and any kind of  institutions.


Proposal of seminar :   Pedagogical and ludic initiation to wine savoring.


Half an hour of  initiation about the delicate and fascinating art of oenological savoring.
The goal being to acquire a savoring methodology: how to proceed ? what are the good gestures ? what to see, smell and taste and deduce ?

After a theoretical part, you will do a practical part with 3 wines (1 white, 1 red and 1 sweet)
By the end of the savoring, a recaps book will be send you by e-mail.

Tipo di seminario: Seminario di orientamento
Relatore: Laurent Turnell
Durata: 2 h