From raw products to delicious juices - Fruit processing at its best
























Probably no other region is that ideal for orcharding as the beautiful Lake Constance by its mild and balanced climate. An advantage that can not only be seen but also tasted.

Schlör – founded 1922 in Radolfzell at the Lake Constance as Obstbaugenossenschaft Bodensee e.G. Today they are a modern bottling plant for a variety of juices and spritzers.


During a visit participants will see how modern processing lines for fruit juices work, feel optimal storage conditions and learn more about control mechanisms in this industry sector. General informations about the company and an exciting insight into the production facilites will give a broad view on the work in the fruit processing industry.

Seminer türü: Keþif ziyareti
Eðitim firmasý: Schlör Bodensee Fruchtsaft AG
Katalog: EU Circuits LAKE CONSTANCE
Firma konuþmacýsý: N.N.
Uzunluk: 2 h