Professional audio recording in the digital domain for acoustic music

The seminar is structured in two parts.


The first part of the seminar presents the characteristics of the recording studio specialized in acoustic music recordings with digital technologies.


The second part deals with subjects related to the applied research in the sector of recording, in particularly in the field of acoustic instruments, use of microphones and other equipments. After having presented the fundamental issues of current research in this area, in the seminar will be presented some tool machines, special equipments, instruments and innovative methodologies applied to improve performance in this sector.

Seminer türü: Tematik seminer
Eðitim firmasý: Artesuono
Katalog: Seminari in aziende del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Tur: -
Firma konuþmacýsý: Amerio Stefano
Uzunluk: 2 h
Maliyet: -

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