Architecture marathon: Renovation of neighborhoods from the perspective of the younger generation - Dečkovo naselje in Celje cases

The purpose of the seminar is to create a comprehensive image of the development of urban centers with key elements of ensuring the functionality, quality of life and safety.

Seminar within the Architecture marathon gives an indication of the development of urban centers. Participants will seek solutions to solve the housing problems of young families. They will research whether existing residential neighborhoods are suitable for young families with children, what is disturbing for them, what types of accommodations they would prefer and what are implementation opportunities.

Seminer türü: Tematik seminer
Eðitim firmasý: NEPREMIČNINE D.O.O.
Katalog: Go&Learnet SAVINJSKA
Firma konuþmacýsý: Not yet defined
Uzunluk: 2 h