Go&Learn glossary with the definitions to understand better the terms used in the documents and website pages.



A cluster of thematic seminars, guidance seminars, discovery/industrial tourism visits or any combination of them is called a circuit. A circuit about the same theme/subject in different companies becomes a training path which can give a very complete and satisfying idea of how that technology, product, service is developed in the referred area. The thread of a circuit can be whatever the target user needs. A circuit normally foresees from 3 to 5 seminars in different companies in a period of 3 to 5 days.


Any potential client of the proposals of the Go&Learn catalogues of study visits. The European circuits of the G&L Catalogue are offered to schools, VET centres, universities, companies and training providers of any kind as a structured training period abroad which lasts from 5 to 7 days. The activities are real training units, which will usually fit in the standard curricula of the visiting groups. Thus the request for enrollment to a circuit should be submitted by the training provider for a group of students. Small groups could be joined if necessary, but individual enrollment is not yet supported. If the study visits are inscribed within tourism proposals, the individual enrollment could be possible.

Discovery module

When the study visit in a guidance seminar or an economic discovery visit, the main module of the training unit is called discovery module and is about the presentation of the hosting company in general terms: history, product/services, market, structure.

ENMG (European Network Management Group)

European level coordination body, in charge of the coordination of the local nodes of the network as far as the definition of the  international frame, aims and strategies of the G&L initiative.


Local level operative body (G&L local agency). It directly manages the catalogues of visits at local, cross-border and international level. The level should correspond to the European standard classification NUTS2 (regional) or NUTS3 (province) -not higher, nor lower-. The NLMB can envolve partners at crossborder level.


Is a group of stakeholders and training providers willing to create e new G&L Agency. An LNMB WG experiments the model trough the set up of new local catalogues of seminars and circuits.

Reflective module

The reflective module is optional and can be added to both thematical and discovery seminars. It is a moment of theoretical discussion and thought about the concepts learned during the presentations made by the company teachers and the visit to the premises. The discussion is coordinated by a matter expert, which could be the tutor accompanying the group or the company expert itself, on the base of the agreements taken with the company by the organizing body.


Seminars in company are planned training units carried out in non-formal learning environments. They foresee a standard program depending on the typology (thematic or guidance) which is modular and can combine one or more of three modules: thematical, discovery, reflective.


Any institution or body interested in promoting and fostering the G&L catalogue proposal, supporting links with both the labor market and the education/training systems and guaranteeing valorization and dissemination capabilities. At least one stakeholder is member in the LNMB. All the stakeholders of the G&L initiative at local level are members of the Stakeholder Network of that LNMB and will also be members of the European Network of Stakeholders.

Standard Reference Documents

A set of documents approved by the ENMG which describe the G&L network rules and services, the support documents to be used (agreements, programs, etc.), the image manual, the monitoring and quality manual. Some of them are public, others for internal use.

Study visit

The way the Go&Learn initiative carries out its activities is through the organization of study visits in company. The study visits can be thematic/guidance seminars or economic discovery/industrial tuorism visits. A set of study visits organized in sequence is called "circuit".

Thematical module

When the seminar in company is a thematic seminar, the main module of the training unit is called thematical module and is about the in depth illustration of a product, service, technology, etc. which characterizes the company in terms of excellence or uniqueness. This will be the subject of the visit.

Training Provider

Any university/school/VET institution or training provider of any kind, directly involved in the organization and management of G&L circuits and study visits on behalf of the LNMB. The training providers are members of the LNMB to which they refer.

Training Company

Any company which participates to the catalogue of circuits and seminars hosting visiting groups. These companies will include both production and service economical sectors. All the companies involved by one LNMB are members of the Training Companies Network of that LNMB. If the seminars are at international level (i.e. part of circuits), the company is also member of the European Training Companies’ Network.