The Heating Engineering and Components District s.c.r.l. (COMET) was founded by combining the industrial district of the components and mechanics of Pordenone (CO.MEC.) and the district of the electric heating engineering located in central part of the Friuli Venezia region (Medio Friuli 1). The regional law n. 528/ 12.03.2009 recognized COMET as district in the industrial area of Pordenone and Udine. On 27.03.2009 the ASDI (agency for the development of the district) was incorporated for the management of a district.

The industrial area of Pordenone is mostly made up of micro, small and medium enterprises, often family-run, founded in spin-offs from large companies that are leaders in the mechanical and component sectors. In addition to companies specialized in metalworking, which make the area of Pordenone a centre of international relevance in the field of light metal carpentry, there are also those belonging to the engineering industry, machine tools and the rubber and plastics industry. All these enterprises are tightly interrelated. In fact those companies producing components are complementary to those of the mechanics industry, in particularly the home appliance sector, and represent as well an important sector for the supply of metal molds for plastic injection. This productive attitude confirms the historical origins of the district.


The area of Udine, in particularly the Central Friuli, has been characterized by the combined development of companies of the heating engineering sector (heating, refrigeration and air conditioning) and of suppliers providing components and semi-finished products for the whole production process.

Contacts and business exchanges for supplies and subcontracting have been developed over time between the two industrial areas. This collaboration made these companies highly related to each other, establishing a productive affinity, which allowed the development of a homogeneous productive chain and the basis for the creation of the industrial district.


The demand of components and semi-finished products created over time by companies such as Zanussi, Savio Textile Machinery and Rhoss facilitated the development and dissemination of excellent skills not only vertically, but also horizontally along the production chain, with respect to the single production phases. This has fostered the spread in the district territory of a strong product know how and of a system of enterprises characterized by a high level of knowledge and creativity, in areas such as the home appliance, automotive and engineering heating sectors.


The excellence achieved by the district companies is the result of continuous investment in Research and Development (processes, products,) and training.

In the first quarter of 2013 the District COMET has 1,017 business locations and 1,308 local units, with 21.178 employees. 

The companies of this district are located within 25 municipalities in the provinces of Pordenone (15) and Udine (10): Aviano, Azzano Decimo, Bertiolo, Budoia, Casarsa della Delizia, Castions di Strada, Chions, Codroipo, Cordenons, Fiume Veneto, Fontanafredda, Palazzolo della Stella, Pocenia, Polcenigo, Porcia, Pordenone, Rivignano, Roveredo in Piano, San Quirino, San Vito al Tagliamento, Sedegliano, Talmassons, Teor, Varmo, Zoppola.

The companies that are part of the COMET district have at least one of the Ateco codes from among the following:
C22 - Manufacture of items in plastic and rubber materials
C25 - Manufacture of metal products
C27 - Manufacture of electrical equipment and devices
C28 - Manufacture of machinery and NCA equipment
C33 - Repair, maintenance and installation of machinery


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LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA
Szektor: Metal and Mechanical
Ország: Italy
Cím: Via Roveredo 20/B
Irányítószám: 33170
Település: Pordenone
Megye: Pordenone
Telefon: +39 0434 541071
Fax: +39 0434 428133

Helyi szemináriumok

Szeminárium Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
ASDI COMET scrl - scoperta economica - 2 óra
Industrial districts between continuity and change - 2 óra

Nemzetközi szemináriumok

Szeminárium Képzési egység Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Industrial districts between continuity and change Precision mechanics in Friuli VG - 2 óra