Albergo Ristorante Riglarhaus


The hotel is located at 1,200 meters above sea level, between Sauris Lake and pastures in the picturesque Carnia Dolomites.  Recently built, it offers all the comfort of modern facilities.


The local toponymy defines "Riglarhaus" as "the house by the stream." Riglarhaus comes from the ancient Austrian dialect preserved since 1200 thanks to the isolation of the valley of Sauris (Zahre in the local language).  The hotel was built in an area which has always been known as a place rich of water. This stream springs  right next to the hotel and then flows down to the lake below.  Since 80 years this hermitage  has been a meeting and resting place for tourists and wanderers coming in the valley of Sauris.


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LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA
Szektor: Tourism
Ország: Italy
Cím: Fraz. Lateis, 3
Irányítószám: 33020
Település: Sauris
Megye: Udine
Telefon: +39 0433 86049
Fax: -

Helyi szemináriumok

Szeminárium Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Albergo Ristorante Riglarhaus - scoperta economica - 2 óra
Hospitality and tourist accommodation in a mountain community - 2 óra
Hospitality and tourist accommodation in a mountain community - 2 óra

Nemzetközi szemináriumok

Szeminárium Képzési egység Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Hospitality and tourist accommodation in a mountain community Valorization of territory, culture and local agro-food production - 2 óra
Hospitality and tourist accommodation in a mountain community Valorization of the territory, culture and agro-food production of the FVG region - 2 óra