Cogito S.r.l.


More than 20 years of experience in IT field make Cogito Srl a reliable partner for companies and public administrations, as well as associations and federations.

Cogito is specialized in consulting and developing customized information systems. As System Integrator, the company works closely with its customers during the whole project, from the initial analysis of the customer’s needs, through the actual software development, the user interface, usability tests, etc.

The company has gained valuable experience in designing IT solutions in critical and complex environments, such as the following:

  • Civil Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia (portal infrastructure and software development, for the integrated platform serving the operation room);
  • Evolution Travel Network (web infrastructure and development, serving over 300 online tour operators in three national marketplaces);
  • FIAIP (infrastructure, software development, for a dedicated information system managing members data in the real estate sector, e-commerce platform, business intelligence, etc.);
  • Italian Red Cross, Province of Udine (information system managing the ambulance fleet, both for the operation room, the vehicles which are moving patients – through mobile devices – and the hospitals receiving them).

Cogito also offers data security software, storage recovery solutions, ad hoc reporting and private cloud solutions.


How to find us:


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LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA
Szektor: ICT and Telecommunications
Ország: Italy
Cím: Via Tavagnacco, 63
Irányítószám: 33100
Település: Udine
Megye: Udine
Telefon: +39 0432 661335
Fax: +39 0432 232215

Helyi szemináriumok

Szeminárium Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Cogito S.r.l. - scoperta economica - 2 óra
ICT for complex environments: the portal for the Civil Protection of FVG and the internet ecosystem for Evolution Travel online tour operator - 3 óra

Nemzetközi szemináriumok

Szeminárium Képzési egység Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
ICT for complex environments: the portal for the Civil Protection of FVG and the internet ecosystem for Evolution Travel online tour operator Digital technologies and Innovation in Friuli Venezia Giulia - 3 óra