











Designing Future

The agency naturblau+++ is the leading design-company in value-oriented communication of brands and advertising in the Region of Lake Constance.

With 'value-oriented branding' as method, concepts and media are developed, which have a high additional value of target group accuracy, customer benefits and long-term nature.


The sense of responsibility of companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) and the relevance of their stakeholder groups (Stakeholder Analyzes) are in focus of the management of communication.

Economic, social, ecological and ethic issues in the elaboration and implementation of communication strategies constitute the basis.

In the design of appearance images (Corporate Designs), print media, websites, campaigns and creatives the observance of sustainability aspects is in the front.

Since 10 years the team of naturblau+++ deals with communication and dissemination of topics like environment, sustainability, future, society, education and social welfare.


naturblau+++ is an active member of the organization 'Wirtschaft Pro Klima' ('economy pro climate'), cofounder of the 'Gemeinwohlökonomie Regionalgruppe Konstanz' ('public welfare economics regional group Constance') as well as the group 'Pionierunternehmen fair&regional' ('pioneer companies fair&regional').

The business manager of naturblau+++ Ralph J. Schiel comments: 'From my point of view our activities deal with imparting values and attitudes. Good design is to concern the aftermath and the end of every creative performance. My impulsions every day are our children. In the future our children will guarantee for us parents. For all that how we behave today and what we do – or what we missed to do. Everyone can contribute something positive to this. In private as well as in an entrepreneurial context.'

Get more information on the website, the blog or on facebook:



Sector: Marketing, sustainability consulting
País: Alemania
Dirección: Blarerstraße 56
C.A.P.: 78462
Ciudad: Konstanz
Provincia: -
Teléfono: +49 7531 282 48 90
Fax: +49 7531 282 48 99
correo electrónico:

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Seminarios Internacionales

Seminario Circuito Próxima convocatoria Duración
Sustainability in marketing activities Economy and sustainability?? Economy and sustainability!!! - 2 h
Economy for the common good Economy and sustainability?? Economy and sustainability!!! - 2 h