The Prešov Regional Chamber of SCCI AGENCY is a group of stakeholders and training providers managing the local network of training companies and the related catalogues and calendars of local seminars and international circuits in the Prešov Region.

AGENCY activities are managed by a workgroup whose appointed members are:

Coordinator: Helena Virčíková – PRC SCCI Prešov
Operative coordinator: Juraj Kupčiha - PRC SCCI Prešov
Labour market expert: František Kupčiha - PRC SCCI Prešov
Training expert: Peter Monka – APEIRON, s.r.o. Prešov
Training expert: Slavomír Kožár – Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická Prešov
Training expert: Matej Kováč - SPINEA s.r.o. Prešov
Training expert: MBarbora Halžáková – ELCOM s.r.o. Prešov
Secretary: Andrea Chromá – PRC SCCI Prešov

Circuits internationaux

Circuit Secteur
Town Prešov-Engineering and Electornics town Engineering and plane industry/Electronics
The best marketing practices in selected SMEs in Prešov region Food, chemical and hotels and similar accommodation

Catalogues locaux

Catalogue Circuits Séminaires
il n'y a pas de catalogue


Secteur: Local Network Maintenance Body
Pays: Slovaquie
Adresse: Vajanského 10
Zip: 080 01
Ville: Prešov
Région: PSK
Phone: +421 51 7580062
Fax: +421 51 7732413


La composition actuelle du partenariat LNMB est la suivante:

Parties prenantes

Partie prenante Pays
Prešov Regional Chamber of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry SK

Institutions de formation

Institution de formation Pays
Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická Prešov SK

Entreprises formatives locales

Entreprise formative Pays Secteur
Renojava s.r.o. SK Chemical
Elcom s.r.o. SK Electronics
Spinea s.r.o. SK Engineering
Tomark s.r.o. SK Engineering and plane industry
Doma a.s SK Food
Aquacity Poprad SK Hotels and similar accomodation