Medesy srl



Medesy is the result embodiment of the huge know-how spread over 6 centuries of the Maniago smiths’ art history. This know-how has allowed the best dental and surgical instruments to be selected, which comply in all respects to the requirements of the most modern dental care centres. Medesy’s products enjoy an excellent reputation and obtain satisfactory results in many countries worldwide, gradually enhancing its presence on new markets and collecting further appreciation in all professional circles. Medesy currently exports its instruments to more than 103 countries.



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LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA
Szektor: Production dental and surgical instruments
Ország: Italy
Cím: Via la Mola, 9
Irányítószám: 33085
Település: Maniago
Megye: Pordenone
Telefon: +39 0427 72786
Fax: +39 0427 71541

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Szeminárium Képzési egység Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Passion for research Between flavours and knowledge. Maniago cutlery industry, an history of water, earth and fire. - 2 óra