Mercury snc di Del Ben f. e s.


MERCURY, is one of the first cutleries founded in Maniago after the Second World War and it boasts over 60 years of tradition in the production of knives. The actual MERCURY’s production extends  in different market segments. Historically present in the selling section of “sport & outdoor cutlery” with a wide range of multi-purpose penknives. More than 30 years ago, MERCURY invented “MICO” the “collecting mushroom knife” to fulfill the expectation of the mycologue passionates. Very soon “MICO”, which became very popular, had been imitated by many competitors. In the German market Mercury is the protagonist with the “folding tasting knife” and the classic “multi-purpose hunting knives”. In the diving knives branch, MERCURY was the first factory in Italy to get the technology for the production of TITANIUM blades supplying with its products the European and Worldwide leader companies.
The factory is also well known as a manufacturer of blades for special industrial purposes upon customer’s design. In the household field MERCURY is activating a product policy targeted on the differentiation of its offer in creating new knife supports and different set compositions together with the addition of correlated new articles.
Professional cutlery is also another important production branch.


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LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA
Szektor: Production of knives
Ország: Italy
Cím: Via Violis, 3
Irányítószám: 33085
Település: Maniago
Megye: Pordenone
Telefon: +39 0427 71212
Fax: +39 0427 700616

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Know-how for customers Between flavours and knowledge. Maniago cutlery industry, an history of water, earth and fire. - 2 óra