Pidpa/ Hidrodoe



Providing drinking water to more than 500.000 customers or 1.2 billion residents, Pidpa profiles itself as one of the largest Flemish water companies. By purifying groundwater, they offer 175 billion liters a day, which is distributed by an impressive infrastructure of 61 water towers, 27 stations and 12.700 km of pipes. Pidpa is also responsible for the professional treatment of wastewater in 33  cities. An important aspect of their mission is to create awareness among the users of water. Hidrodoe, an interactive playground and learning platform, is developed for reaching this goal. Through own experience and learning, visitors become aware of the characteristics of water and the critical importance of drinking water for everyone on this planet. Are you ready for a refreshing visit at Hidrodoe?


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LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L VOKA - ODISEE
Szektor: Food Sector
Ország: Belgium
Cím: Desguinlei 246
Irányítószám: 2018
Település: Antwerp
Megye: Antwerp
Telefon: 0032 3 216 88 88
Fax: -

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Pidpa/ Hidrodoe - respectful usage of water Corporate Social Responsibility in the Food Industry - 3 óra