



Sodexo defines the quality of life as a determining factor for the results of companies. Sodexo offers a wide range of unique services that improve the wellbeing and motivation of individuals in the workplace. Every day, one in four Belgians benefits of the on-site services, benefits & rewards services or personal & home services, offered by 4.000 employees on 1.200 sites in Belgium. Sodexo Group is present in 80 countries worldwide and are active in companies, schools, universities, hospitals, prisons, etc. In 2009 they formulated the “Better Tomorrow Plan”, focused on sustainable development. An important aspect is the attention for diversity in the workplace. Sodexo wants to assure equal opportunities for all their employees, despite their culture, gender, age or physical conditions.    


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LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L VOKA - ODISEE
Szektor: Food Sector
Ország: Belgium
Cím: Charles Lemairestraat 1
Irányítószám: 1160
Település: Brussel
Megye: Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
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Sodexo - Better Tomorrow Plan Corporate Social Responsibility in the Food Industry - 2 óra