Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH


Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH is a municipally-owned company by the city of Konstanz and one of the largest regional players in the sectors of energy and transportation. The core business comprises energy and water supply as well as mobility and the leisure sector. The urban bus ‘Roter Arnold’ and the ferry from Konstanz to Meersburg are just examples. The subsidiaries BSB (ships) and BGK (swimming pools) offer a wide range of leisure opportunities. A relatively new field of business is telecommunications: Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH offers a diverse product portfolio and service on-site. Furthermore Stadtwerke Konstanz has a long tradition in its commitment in the region.

Sustainability is a big topic for the company. Therefore Stadtwerke Konstanz promotes alternative mobility like driving with green electricity and natural gas. Customers charge their cars free of charge at the electricity charging station. The green electricity is certified with the ‘Grüner Strom’ label.


LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L LAKE CONSTANCE
Szektor: Public services
Ország: Germany
Cím: Max-Stromeyer-Straße 21-29
Irányítószám: 78467
Település: Konstanz
Megye: Baden-Württemberg
Telefon: +49 7531 803-0
Fax: +49 7531 803-5123

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Arbeitsfeld Stadtwerke Konstanz – Energie und Mobilität - 2 óra
Arbeitsfeld Stadtwerke Konstanz – Energie und Mobilität - 2 óra

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