ELTY Food Ltd



Elty Food is a Food Technology Consulting company that helps local and international Food and Drink manufacturers to improve the quality of their products.
We are specialized in product development and connect knowledge with execution.
Our services help business throughout the whole supply chain.

What do we offer:
- Nutritional Labelling according to EU standards
- Food Examination by chemical and quality analysis
- Product consulting; extension of shelf life, choosing the right packaging or new product development
- Education and Training on any food product topic


Why do organisations prefer to work with Elty Food?
- We have international experience in (new) product development and flavours
- We are passionate about food & quality
- We are the first food-technology company in Malta
- We value trust, clarity and responsibility with a no nonsense attitude.



Find us at the Life Sciences Park in San Gwann - Malta (EU) where we have our privately owned product development laboratory or visit www.eltyfood.com for more info.



Especially for Go&Learn we offer a fun and practical 60 minute workshop where we get into basic food composition and get to smell and taste what a food-technologist can do!


LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L MALTA
Szektor: Food - Nutrition & Labelling
Ország: Malta
Cím: Malta Life Sciences Centre Limited, Sir Temi Zammit Buildings, Malta Life Sciences Park
Irányítószám: -
Település: San Gwann
Megye: SGN 3000
Telefon: (+356)77505005
Fax: -

Helyi szemináriumok

Szeminárium Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Cake & Biscuit Technology - 1 óra
Understanding food products & ingredient labels A basic course in Food & Technology - 6 óra

Nemzetközi szemináriumok

Szeminárium Képzési egység Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Cake & Biscuit Technology Diversification in Gastronomy: moving towards a healthier and niche market - 1 óra