CASA RADICCI history started 40 years ago when the Radicci family, from Gioia del Colle, Bari area, moved from Apulia Region to Piedmont Region, linking the ancient dairy tradition with the best raw material: the piedmontese milk.
Passion, tradition and innovation are the special characteristic of CASA RADICCI, the newly-born corporate brand including the well-known brands: Caseificio Pugliese, Conrado and Spega. Casa RADICCI offers a comprehensive range of cheese produced using Piedmontese cow and goat’s milk (from Frisona cows and Saanen and Camosciata goats).


The Group produces with Caseificio Pugliese brand fresh stretched cheese: Mozzarella Fior di latte, handmade
mozzarella braids and knots, Burrata, fresh and homogenized Ricotta cheese, white and smoked Scamorza, Caciocavalli.


Fresh soft cheese are produced with Conrado brand: Tomino cheese and many other delights mainly related to the ancient tradition of Piedmont Region. All Conrado cheese from Primo Sale to the semi-matured Tomino
have a delicate taste and a a flavour of genuine fresh milk.


Then we find Spega brand. Specialized in the production of cow and goat’s soft cheese like the inimitable Stracchino. The production is based on a wide variety of products such as ricotta cheese, yoghurt, and other spreadable cheese like robiola. SPEGA offers also fresh goat’s milk and matured goat’s cheese. Goat’s cheese specialties are characterized by three main elements: HEALTH, TASTE AND DIGESTIBILITY.
Selected Piedmontese farms give to our group more than 200 tons of milk per day; this means that there are strong controls at the farms following regulated norms to guarantee neutrality and hygiene of the products.
Both the handling of milk and production stages are totally computerized. This technology allows to have all the parameters constantly under control. The whole production is totally computer based, this kind of technology is necessary to keep all production steps under control. The alliance between the artisanal activity and the high tech process represents the winning idea.


LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L PIEMONTE
Szektor: FOOD
Ország: Italy
Cím: Corso Matteotti, 32A
Irányítószám: 10100
Település: TORINO
Telefon: 0112173100
Fax: 0119146496

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Applicazione in campo di un manuale HACCP - BUONE NORME COMPORTAMENTALI - 4 óra
Discover Caseificio Pugliese F.LLI RADICCI - 2 óra

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