Since 2010, MUSICOPOLIX is the reference in the acquisition and sale of musical instruments and accessories in Spain.


The main attributes of MUSICOPOLIX are price, quality, variety, service, specialization, availability and security, all indispensable axes of development.

With the customer always at the center, MUSICOPOLIX has consolidated its presence on the Internet through its website www.musicopolix, com, without neglecting tools like your blog or intensive use of other websites and social networks.


The expansion of channel face, through a careful balance between own and franchised stores, has completed a modern, sustainable and profitable proposal, a milestone for a traditional sector in crisis and significant barriers to entry.


LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L MADRID
Szektor: Instruments Sales
Ország: Spain
Cím: C/ García de Paredes, 35
Irányítószám: 28010
Település: Madrid
Megye: Madrid
Telefon: + 34 91 229 61 60
Fax: -

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The sale of products online: opportunities and risks. THE CRISIS: TIME OF CHANGE AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS ENTREPENEURSHIP - 3 óra