Modern technological evolution requires an ever growing level of specialization as well as investments in equipment and new technologies; in this field the Cappellin Dental Clinic has always been in the lead: first Italian dental clinic equipped with CEREC MCXL (aesthetic full ceramic crowns); first Italian dental clinic supplied with Gendex GXCB500 (volumetric tomography of the  jaw bone and dental TAC). The Dental Clinic opened in September 2010 in Pinerolo. Equipped with highly specialized machineries and boasting the most skilled staff of doctors, lead by Dr. Mario Cappellin, the  Clinic constantly invests on training and equipment in order to gain and maintain a qualitative level of excellence.



LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L PIEMONTE
Szektor: servizi medici avanzati
Ország: Italy
Cím: Via Bogliette, 3/c
Irányítószám: 10064
Település: Pinerolo
Megye: Torino
Telefon: 0121099100
Fax: 0121099100

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