Maria Luisa Cosso and her daughter Paola Eynard are the co-funders of the foundation located, from the year 2008, in the Miradolo Castle premises at San Secondo di Pinerolo (Turin).
Its main activity is represented by the promotion of cultural initiatives through the enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage, the
support for research projects, the cooperation with cultural operators and schools (from kindergartens to high schools).
The main objective of the Foundation is to promote and affirm the Miradolo Castle as a cultural canter, main point of reference for locals and visitors, in order to re-evoque the cultural circle promoted by the Countess Sofia Cacherano of Bricherasio, former owner of the castle.




LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L PIEMONTE
Szektor: MUSEUM
Ország: Italy
Cím: via Cardonata 2
Irányítószám: 10060
Település: San Secondo di Pinerolo
Telefon: +39 0121 502761
Fax: +39 0121 502761
E-mail: +39 0121 326099

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