The word Eataly is the result of the fusion of two words: EAT and ITALY. Eataly therefore means "Italian Eating", not only Italian Food. The Italian Eating approach is the result of the fusion of more elements such as local food production, Mediterranean cuisine, local food history and culture, "re-adaptation" of traditional food and the positive contamination received from other countries (like for instance the American origins of tomatoes and corn). The biggest aim of Eataly is to show how high quality products can be available for all: easy to find, affordable and not only... Eataly wants to communicate faces, production methods and the history of people and production companies that make 'high quality' foods, that make up the best Italian food. The Eataly brand was created by bringing together a group of small companies working in different sectors of enogastronomy.
EATALY PINEROLO joined the GO&LEARN network.




LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L PIEMONTE
Szektor: FOOD
Ország: Italy
Cím: Via Poirino, 104
Irányítószám: 10064
Település: pinerolo
Telefon: +39 0121 042601
Fax: +39 0121 042601

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Szeminárium Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Discover EATALY Pinerolo - 2 óra

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