Founded in 1972, VIRMA Group manufactures precision metal components using the latest technology. Virma uses high-speed insertion or welding of precious metal contacts and delivers high quality and flexibility with a wide and full press range, dealing progression tool and multislide technology.

As VIRMA Group leading Company, Virma is the single source solution to Customers to enjoy greater supply chain security, faster lead times and new technical innovations. Virma ensures minimal human involvement , delivering cost savings and competitive pricing.

At the moment the company has 2 different factories, one in Italy and Bulgaria (both manufacturing plants).


LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L LOMBARDIA
Szektor: Mechanics - Engineering
Ország: Italy
Cím: Via delle Arti e dei Mestieri 14
Irányítószám: 20884
Település: Sulbiate
Megye: MB
Telefon: +39 039 607.90.33
Fax: +39 039 607.91.56

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