Aprendiza is a global project of People Training and Continuous Improvement of Productivity, whose foundation is the contribution to the progress of the Business Competitiveness, from the progress of the processes and development of human and technological capital. We are specialized in building the necessary bridges between people's knowledge and efficiency in the work environment.

Aprendiza is born from the experience of more than 20 years and the innovative spirit of different professionals. This new initiative creates a renewed space based on the strength of integrating senior knowledge with the creativity of open innovation. Aprendiza is the expression of a new strategic model specialized in the application of innovative solutions based on knowledge, skills and attitudes


LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L MADRID
Szektor: Training and Consultancy in the implementation of models of HEALTHY COMPANY.
Ország: Spain
Cím: C/Lehendakari Aguirre 11
Irányítószám: 48014
Település: BILBAO
Telefon: +34 696 49 22 00
Fax: -

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Szeminárium Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
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Szeminárium Képzési egység Katalógusverzió Képzés idõtartama
Healthy habits. Competent workers. Competitive companies. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND COMPETITIVENESS OF COMPANIES. - 2 óra
Healthy habits. Competent workers. Competitive companies. Occupational Health and Competitiveness of Companies - 2 óra