At AMPELL Consultores we are specialists in compliance for companies in the design, implementation and audits of compliance management systems of various types: criminal compliance (article 31 bis Penal Code), corporate compliance (ISO 19600 "Compliance Management Systems") or anti-corruption systems (ISO 37001 "Anti-bribery management systems").


Equally, other systems that involve risk management for organizations, quality systems (ISO 9001: 2015), environment (ISO 14001), occupational safety and health (OHSAS 18001 and future ISO 45001), information security ISO 27001) as well as other systems that involve risk management (ISO 31000).


They offer specialized advice in very innovative fields in the management of companies. Activity that they develop thanks to the professional tratectoria by diverse fields of each talent that integrates its staff and have adapted to the changes and present needs, as much in Spain as in countries of Latin America.


An example of how to adapt to new business needs.


LNMB - Helyi Hálózatirányító Testület: G&L MADRID
Szektor: Consulting in business management.
Ország: Spain
Cím: C/Pirineos 45
Irányítószám: 28040
Település: MADRID
Telefon: +34 918 43 71 01
Fax: -

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Anticipation of business needs and specialization. THE CRISIS: TIME OF CHANGE AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS ENTREPENEURSHIP - 2 óra