L'AGENZIA SSB LNMB (NYIREGYHAZA) è costituita da un insieme di portatori di interesse e di agenzie formative che gestiscono la rete regionale di imprese formative e i relativi cataloghi e calendari di seminari e circuiti internazionali nell’area di Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg in Ungheria.


Le attività dell'AGENZIA SSB LNMB (NYIREGYHAZA) vengono gestite da un gruppo di lavoro costituito dai seguenti esperti:


Tutor: Katalin Nagyné Varga

Segreteria: Éva Zsák

Coordinatore: Norbert Bereczki

Esperto del mercato del lavoro: Zsolt Sarkadi

Circuiti internazionali

Circuito Settore
Companies of food industry in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county Food industry
Metal industry in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Metal industry

Cataloghi locali

Catalogo Circuiti Seminari
Go&Learnet NYÍREGYHÁZA 1 5


Settore: Local Network Maintenance Body
Paese: Ungheria
Indirizzo: Széchenyi str 2
C.A.P.: 4400
Città: Nyíregyháza
Provincia: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
Telefono: +3642311544
Fax: +3642311750
E-mail: info@szabkam.hu


Le attuali partnership dell'LNMB sono strutturate come segue:


Stakeholder Paese
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dunaújváros HU
Chamber of Commerce Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County HU
County Developing and Educational Committee of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg HU
Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry HU
KISOSZ Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County HU
National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers HU
National Chamber of Agriculture (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county) HU

Training provider

Training provider Paese
Bánki Donát Technical High School HU
Kata Telegdi Vocational and Technical College HU
Lónyay Menyhért Secondary and Vocational School HU
Sámuel Tessedik Vocational and Grammar School HU
Teleki Blanka Grammar, Vocational, Technical School and College HU
Vásárhelyi Pál Construction, Environmental and Water treatment Secondary Technical School HU
Westsik Vilmos Vocational School HU

Training company locali

Training company Paese Settore
AJG Agrogép Vehicle- and Machine Engineering Ltd. HU Machine engineering
Benyó Car and Electrical Service HU Car and Electrical Service
Carbon Black Ltd. HU Trade of general raw materials for rubber industry
Carl Zeiss Vision Hungary Ltd. HU Eyeglass lens production, toolmaking
Eurofrukt Ltd. HU Logistics
Fafurdancs 2000 Ltd. HU Furniture production
Fémsystem Ltd. HU Construction industry, production of metal building components
Fipkersz Ltd. HU Machine industry, steel stove production
InfoGroup HU Property development, -rental and sale
Kiss B. Logistics Ltd. HU Logistics
KisSzabó Ltd HU Hospitality
LEGO Manufacturing Ltd HU Toy manufacturing
Lukovics Fru-Fru Beauty Salon HU Beautytherapy
Nafém Ltd. HU Heavy steel structures production
Nyíregyházi Bread factory HU Food industry
PA-COMP Ltd. HU Processing industry
Szamos Ltd. HU Footwear
Zsindelyes Commercial House Ltd. HU Brandy distillery