Steering Committee

The Friuli Venezia Giulia G&L+ network is made by a group of stakeholders grouped in a Steering Committee providing the management of the catalogue, a network of training providers which include the seminars in their current education/training(guidance activities, a network of training companies which host the study groups. The workgroup composition is under revision, since ENAIP FVG has been appointed as LNMB coordinator on behalf of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (in the framework of the FVG mobility global sovvention), and will be defined in the next months. Actually tthe reference people are:


General Coordinator: Gilberto Collinassi - Enaip FVG

Service Coordinator: Barbara Dainelli - Enaip FVG

Training expert: Andrea Giacomelli - Enaip FVG

Secretary: Francesca Della Pietra - Enaip FVG


Uluslararasý turlar

Tur Sektör
Between flavours and knowledge. Maniago cutlery industry, an history of water, earth and fire. Metalworking
Digital technologies and Innovation in Friuli Venezia Giulia ICT
Lean Production in Friuli VG Lean Production
Precision mechanics in Friuli VG Metal and Mechanical
Valorization of territory, culture and local agro-food production Tourism and agri-food production
Wine business and marketing in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Tourism and agri-food production

Yerel Kataloglar

Katalog Circuits Seminerler
Go&Learnet FVG 2 19
Seminari in aziende del Friuli Venezia Giulia 0 114


Sektör: Local Network Maintenance Body
Ülke: Italy
Adres: Via Leonardo da Vinci 27
Posta kodu: 33037
Þehir: Pasian di Prato
Ýlçe: Udine
Telefon: +39 0432 693622
Faks: +39 0432 691058


LNMB ortaklýðýnýn gerçek bileþimi aþaðýdaki gibidir:


Paydaþ Ülke
Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura Udine IT
REGIONE FVG - Direzione lavoro, formazione, commercio e pari opportunità IT

Eðitim saðlayýcýlarý

Eðitim saðlayýcýsý Ülke
Archè - Associazione Formazione Educatori IT
Effe.Pi IT
I.TER - Azienda speciale Imprese e territorio CCIAA Udine IT
Scuola secondaria IT

Yerel eðitim firmalarý

Eðitim firmasý Ülke Sektör
Zorzettig di Zorzettig cav. Giuseppe s.s.a IT Agri-food production
Wictor s.r.l. IT Production of professional tools for manicure and pedicure
Vogrig IT Alimentare
Vipaco srl IT CNC automatic lathes
Vigneti Pietro Pittaro IT Agri-food production
Tecnogroup srl/LeanProducts srl IT Metal and Mechanical
Tecnest IT ICT and Telecommunications
Stark SPA IT Wood working tools and metal cutting field
Serigi Engineering IT Metal and Mechanical
SCM Zanussi IT Metal and Mechanical
Saviotech srl IT Metal and Mechanical
Savio Macchine Tessili S.p.a. IT Metal and Mechanical
Sauris Agri Beer S.a.s. di Sandro Petris & C. IT Agri-food production
Prosciuttificio Wolf Sauris S.p.A. IT Agri-food production
Pietro Rosa TBM IT Metal and Mechanical
Parco Agro-Alimentare di San Daniele S.c.a r.l. IT Agri-food production
Oreste Frati srl IT Production
Navalimpianti IT Shipbuilding
Modulblok IT Metal and Mechanical
Mercury snc di Del Ben f. e s. IT Production of knives
Medesy srl IT Production dental and surgical instruments
Masùt da Rive IT Agri-food production
Mac Coltellerie srl IT Production
L’Arca Cooperativa Sociale IT Servizi educativi
Lis Neris IT Agri-food production
LionSteel s.a.s. IT Knives
Lima Corporate IT Medical devices
Lean Experience Factory scarl IT Metal and Mechanical
La Quiete IT Sanità / assistenza
La Casetta Cooperativa Sociale IT Servizi educativi
Istituto tecnico agrario statale di Cividale IT Agri-food production
In Press IT Graphics and Communications
Il Guscio Cooperativa Sociale IT Servizi educativi
Gortani Srl IT Metal and Mechanical
GO S.r.l. IT Metal and Mechanical
Gervasoni IT Wood and Furniture
Friuli Innovazione IT R&D
Fincantieri - Ship construction
Ferriere Nord IT Metal and Mechanical
FCF Fontanafredda Cold Forging Srl IT Metal and Mechanical
Facau IT Wood and Furniture
F.lli Olivetto srl IT Production and marketing blades
Eurotech IT ICT and Telecommunications
Elettra Sincrotrone - Multi-sector science and technology
Ditenave IT Tecnologie marittime
Dermap IT ICT and Telecommunications
Cumini IT Wood and Furniture
Consorzio per la tutela del formaggio Montasio IT Agri-food production
Consorzio delle DOC IT Agri-food production
Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele IT Agri-food production
Coltellerie Maserin snc IT Production and marketing of knives, sports, gift, collection, thumbnails and hunting
Cogito S.r.l. IT ICT and Telecommunications
Codutti IT Wood and Furniture
Calzavara IT ICT and Telecommunications
Brovedani Group IT Metal and Mechanical
Bo.Di IT ICT and Telecommunications
Bemar S.r.l. IT Production and marketing blades
Bastianich S.r.l. IT Agri-food production
Ausonia Nanutti Beltrame spa IT Production, processing and marketing of cutting tools, tools and equipment for home
Associazione Italiana Biocostruire Mediterraneo IT Land and Environment
Associazione Allevatori del FVG IT Zootecnico
ASDI COMET scrl IT Metal and Mechanical
Artesuono IT Entertainment
Albergo Ristorante Riglarhaus IT Tourism
Adriano Gigante S.s.a. IT Agri-food production