Network structure

The experience made in the last 8 years, which exploited some difficulties in guaranteeing the financial sustainability of all the existing nodes and of the european coordination body, suggested the adoption of some adaptation to the Go&Learn format which led to the Go+Learn format. The architecture of the Go+Learn network is simplified. The following scheme shows the relationships between the various actors of the local node and the european network:



  • EU community on LinkedIn : the relationship and coordination of the GO+ nodes will be managed via a Community on the LinkedIn plaform, the former formal EU management group -which demonstarted to be not sustainable economically- is superseeded. The Community will be used to propagate the GL+ initiative, sharing best practices and EU added value, co-developing services and procedures, monitoring the services provided.
  • GO+node Steering Committee: netwrok of stakeholders and the organization in charge of the catalogue operative management, defining catalogues startegies and priorities
  • GO+node network of Training Companies : all the companies providing the hosting for the seminars (or other services)
  • GO+node network of Training Providers : all the authorized schools, VET providers, universitie, etc. allowed to access and deliver the catalogue services to their users


A typical GO+node architecture, at regional or rovince level, thus will have a structure such: